NHS Education for Scotland Jobs

If you’re looking to make a career change, then perhaps you should consider NHS Education for Scotland jobs. Read on to find out more.


Who is NHS Education For Scotland?

NHS Education for Scotland (NES) is an education and training body as well as a national health board within NHS Scotland. NES is responsible for developing and delivering healthcare education and training for a variety of organisations including the NHS, the health and social care sector and other public bodies. It also works with partner organisations across the entire UK.


What Does NES Do?

When it comes to health care, it’s clearer now than ever before that having the right number of trained staff available is of utmost importance. NES has a Scotland-wide role in undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing professional development. This training aims to ensure that the people of Scotland have access to the best possible healthcare.


Benefits of Working for NES

Apart from being involved in an institution that strives to bring about sustainable change in the workplace, there are many other benefits to making a career change to NES:


Flexible Working

Flexible working has been shown to have a number of positive benefits for employees from increased productivity and reduced stress to a better overall work-life balance. It’s a win-win situation as it allows employers like NES to attract and retain the best of the best. NES is also a remote-friendly employer supporting office, remote, and hybrid working.


Equality and Diversity

The NES staff networks, including LGBTQ+, disability, underrepresented minority ethnic, and parents and carers groups, offer peer support as well as the opportunity to promote diverse voices and perspectives.


Staff Wellbeing

The NES understands better than most that a healthy workforce is crucial to success. They offer a range of policies and schemes to promote employee health and well-being.


Learning and Development

Staff are offered continuous training and development programmes to ensure that their knowledge and skills are second to none.

For further information on NHS Education for Scotland and the recruitment process, head over to their website.


Finding Jobs for NHS Education for Scotland

If you’re planning on making a career change or simply looking for employment with NES, be sure to visit the Refreshing a Career NES jobs board for all the latest opportunities in your area.

As well as helping you find your dream job, we have plenty of help and advice for job seekers and career changers alike. From CV writing and interview tips to professional courses for career changers, we’re here to help you refresh your career.

Feel free to get in touch with our team if you have any questions. And don’t forget to sign up for the Refreshing a Career newsletter using the form below so you don’t miss out on the latest opportunities from NHS Education for Scotland.

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