How to Add Your Business to the Directory

5 easy steps to advertising your business

Login or register

Go to My Account,
Then Log In or Register

You will only need an email address at this stage.

Click Add Listing

Go to Add Listing through the Directory dropdown located at the top of this page
Create a listing

Select Your Plan

We offer a free directory listing which allows you to upload your company name and industry. Or you can upgrade to Basic or Premium to receive more directory benefits.

Fill in the Details

You will need your basic company details and contact information. Those with a more premium account will also be able to add extras such as social media and videos.
Fill in your details

Add to Cart

At the bottom of the page click ‘add to cart’ and then proceed to checkout. Once completed, one of our team will verify your listing and set it live.

That’s it!

Now rest easy, knowing we’re doing the rest.