Ex-SAS Jobs

If you have been part of the SAS, you probably have a really unique set of skills that can be appealing to employers. There are plenty of opportunities for a career change, whether you are hoping to make use of these skills or whether you want to totally change and go into a job with less stress. You can retrain and move into a completely new area if you wish.

Your Skills May Be in Demand

One of the reasons why there are so many jobs for ex-SAS soldiers is the fact that you have a large amount of transferable skills.

Common skills of UK special forces employees include:

  • Leadership. Most SAS soldiers are able to lead by example and show resilience as well as other leadership skills.
  • Planning and Organising. SAS soldiers are often good at planning missions and organising their time efficiently.
  • Independence and Self-Reliance. Employees in the SAS often have to work independently without support so they learn how to be self-reliant.
  • Flexibility/Adaptability. The environment of the SAS is unpredictable so employees need to be able to adapt quickly.
  • Communication Skills. British army employees need to communicate effectively in high-pressure situations.

These are all highly sought-after skills by many employers. So, if you’re looking for a new job, don’t be afraid to use your SAS experience on your CV. It may just give you the edge you need to get the job you want, and you can always learn new skills and gain qualifications to complement your existing combat experience.

Examples of Ex-SAS Jobs

If you want a job that puts your skills into action, your experience can help you find a job in the military sector, and there are many other opportunities out there as well, including:

  • Security and Surveillance Roles – if you have been part of the SAS then you’ll have experience in surveillance and security. This can put you in high demand for jobs such as security guard, loss prevention officer, or detective.
  • Military Roles – there are many roles within the military that would be a good fit for someone with SAS experience. Examples include intelligence analyst, special forces soldier, or helicopter pilot.
  • Emergency Services – the skills that you learn in the SAS can be put to good use in emergency services such as paramedics, firefighters, or search and rescue.
  • Law Enforcement – many law enforcement agencies are looking for employees with SAS experience. Examples include SWAT teams, hostage negotiators, and undercover officers.

The possibilities really are endless when it comes to finding a suitable job after your service. You may wish to make a total change and move away from a high-stress environment. For instance, you might put your physical attributes to work and become a personal trainer or work within a gym.

Plenty of people change careers later in life, and you can still have plenty of success doing so.

Finding an Ex-SAS Job

Make sure you are open to exploration when you are trying to find a role after being in the SAS.

Our specialist jobs board is an excellent place to start as there are a number of employers with a track record of working with those who want to change careers, and they will value the skills of your previous career.

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