Part-Time Jobs in Reading
Are you thinking about making a career change and seeking part-time jobs in Reading? We’ve got all the information you need right here so read on to find out more.
As one of England’s largest towns, Reading has a wealth of opportunities for career changers in search of part-time employment. Whether you’ve got existing commitments that make it impossible to work a full-time job or simply want to strike a better work-life balance, there are plenty of part-time opportunities in Reading to suit your needs.
Top Industries Offering Part-Time Jobs in Reading
We’ve compiled a list of the main industries in Reading where part-time work is available.
One popular area of employment for part-timers in Reading is retail. It’s home to several large shopping centres, including The Oracle, as well as high streets, so there are numerous opportunities for retail assistants and customer service representatives. From supermarkets to fashion boutiques, retailers are always on the lookout for friendly and helpful part-time staff to assist their customers.
If you have a passion for education, why not consider part-time tutoring and teaching? Reading has several universities and colleges, so there’s always a demand for private tutors to help the town’s large student population. Private tutoring is one of the best-paid part-time jobs with the added bonus of being able to work remotely. On the other hand, teaching assistant jobs require no experience while also offering a great work-life balance.
The hospitality industry is one of the main sectors offering part-time employment. And with Reading’s vibrant nightlife and restaurant scene, there are plenty of opportunities for bartenders, waiters, and kitchen staff. If you’re looking to switch careers, this sector is a great option since employers typically require little to no prior work experience and provide on-the-job training.
Health & Fitness
If you have an interest in health and fitness, part-time jobs in the fitness industry can be a great way to earn money while also staying active. And with more and more gyms and fitness centres opening up in Reading, there are plenty of opportunities for career changers looking for part-time work. Or perhaps you’d rather start your own business as a personal trainer or yoga instructor. Whatever your passion may be, there are many opportunities to share it with others in Reading.
Finding Part-Time Jobs in Reading
As we’ve seen, there are plenty of opportunities to find part-time jobs in Reading for career changers. While refreshing your skills and undergoing some retraining may be necessary, it’s never too late to embark on a new chapter in your professional life.
So, if you’re thinking about making a career change, or simply finding a job that gives you a better work/life balance, consider part-time jobs in Reading. Check out Refreshing a Career’s part-time jobs board to keep up to date with the latest opportunities in your area.
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